Add / Edit Spot
Adding and editing a spot use the same screen, so once you've added a spot, you can always come back and add to or edit the information you've recorded against the spot.
To add data simply fill out the fields you wish to add to and press the 'Save Spot' button at the bottom of the page.
The minimum required data for a spot is the name and description. Attempting to save the spot without completing at least those two fields will result in a validation error shown in red at the bottom of the page and the spot will not allow the save until they have been completed.
Mark Swim
Pressing the mark swim button will load a fullscreen image of the swim to which your adding a spot and allow you to mark the image with a casting line and a horizon marker. The markup is done in a three stages. The first press sets the casting position, the second sets the final rig location. At this point your casting line will be drawn between the two marks. The third press will mark your casting horizon marker.
To restart the markup process, click undo in the top right corner. To save your marked up spot, click save in the top right corner. You can change the colour of your markup lines and indicators in Setttings > App Settings > Spot Marker Colour. You must have a saved swim image before you can add spot markings.
For further support, click on the heading text to show the help popup.
The data that can be stored for a spot is:
The minimum required data for a spot is the name and description. Attempting to save the spot without completing at least those two fields will result in a validation error shown in red at the bottom of the page and the spot will not allow the save until they have been completed.
Mark Swim
Pressing the mark swim button will load a fullscreen image of the swim to which your adding a spot and allow you to mark the image with a casting line and a horizon marker. The markup is done in a three stages. The first press sets the casting position, the second sets the final rig location. At this point your casting line will be drawn between the two marks. The third press will mark your casting horizon marker.
To restart the markup process, click undo in the top right corner. To save your marked up spot, click save in the top right corner. You can change the colour of your markup lines and indicators in Setttings > App Settings > Spot Marker Colour. You must have a saved swim image before you can add spot markings.
For further support, click on the heading text to show the help popup.
The data that can be stored for a spot is:
- Name: creates the name of your fishing spot [Mandatory field]
- Description: creates a general description of the spot [Mandatory field]
- Talk on Text: creates casting notes for finding your spot and hitting the mark
- Substrate: creates the underlying material which makes up the lakebed i.e. sand, silt, gravel, clay etc.
- Depth: creates the depth of your spot from the surface
- Distance: creates the casting distance from swim to spot
- Seasonal Notes: logs any differences that might be associated with season e.g. deep silt in autumn, Big hit fishing in spring etc.
- Save Spot will save any changes you have made to the spot data.
- Delete Spot will delete the spot and its marked up image. This cannot be undone!
- Back will take you to the last valid page you visited.